CrossOver allows you to place a customizable crosshair overlay above any application window. Doesn't even show up in screen recording. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the EscapefromTarkov community. Re-size the Sight Crosshair on-the-fly in real time, without having to close and re-start the app.
UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats > First-Person Shooters > Escape from Tarkov Crosshair Overlay: sponsored advertisements: Save: Authenticator Code Thread Tools: Crosshair Overlay: 12th January 2020, 03:41 AM #1: GalbaTr0nix. Long story short, they provide an unfair advantage over other players. CrossOver is a small, unintrusive crosshair overlay which has plenty of configuration options to assist with aiming and vision of your crosshair. Good for him fire(kinda), but otherwise it doesn't work very well. I've never seen anyone blatantly use a crosshair overlay. I know that Reshade is already stated to be allowed, what about other programs like the one mentioned above? Never miss a shot.
Second (this is my opinion) reshade should be banned, and using any out side software that can give a crosshair/visual edge should be banned from use in the game. Your not using anything external to manipulate game files. Some do when you hold your breath, still not good though. Look things up before you pretend to know all. Plus the point of hip fire aim is to the right a bit in Tarkov. Someone making a competitive multiplayer game where players can achieve a notable advantage by drawing a crosshair on their screen are flat out being designed poorly and how 'legit' it is it comes depends on a case by case basis. If it gets banned ppl will just put a dot on their monitor.